Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Great Giveaway

                      Books Books and more Books

  As you know we have 5 kids in the house. My kids LOVE to read but we tend to run out of book storage. I found a great giveaway at MommyPR that could really help us out. They have a Guidecraft Book Display giveaway going on until  10/17. Hurry on over and enter for yourself and while you are there don't forget to look for extra entries....We all love extra entries:)

Good Luck!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Save The What?

                    Save The What?

  I'm sitting here today watching Hook on ABC Family. I noticed every time they go to commercial break there is a Save The commercial. What do I mean by Save The commercial you ask..First it was "Save the lions". The next break was "Save the dogs and cats at shelters". Then we go to the third break, it was "Save the Children". I'm starting to wonder what Save The commercial will be on next, probably Save the Plant or Save the Trees. I'm really starting to be filled with guilt and really think I need to become a super hero so I can Save The EVERYTHING. Just wondering if anybody else ever notices things like that.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Kids Know....

  I've been entering blog giveaways for about a year now and I've won some pretty great stuff. My friends know I like to win, my family know, people at my job know, and even my kids know. Sometimes the kids will just come up and watch me enter. They love to see the different things people giveaway. Sometimes when there is an entry to "go to the website and pick out what you like best" I let the kids pick. Well, normally I couldn't blog about a stuffed animal but my daughter fell in love with the ScareMeNots . She even picked out her favorite which she has two of. She loves Courageous Carrie and Watchdog Wally . Personally I like them all. I found a giveaway at Mommy Katie that ends July 22nd so guess what I'm going to do...Yep, you'll see my name on them little ol' comments trying to win a monster of my choice. I hope to see you there and good luck.

Guardian GusHe is wayyyy cute!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ahhhh iPad 2

  Before Christmas I was begging my husband for an iPad. He said they were the stupidest things he's ever  seen and he'd NEVER get me one....hehehehe Guess what I got for Christmas, yep, I got and iPad and I use it more than I ever thought I would. I love reading books, web surfing, and playing games on it. I find apps that are kid friendly and I even found one that teaches my kids the state capitals.
  One day I was on the laptop and my husband told one of the kids to go get my iPad. He had no clue how to use it so my 12 yr old son showed him what to do. A few days later he told me that when I upgraded to the iPad2 he wanted my iPad. I thought it was so funny but my first thought was "Wow, he's going to let me upgrade!" Hummm, maybe next Christmas huh? In the mean time I thought maybe I could win myself one. I found an iPad2 giveaway at Mommys Reviews and Giveaways . It closes August 6th so if I dont win it I hope you do.

Need a Dog House ?

We have two dogs, Buddy and Trixie. Buddy is a yellow lab and Trixie is a Jack Russel. Though they are both inside dogs they do get tied out to do there business. I NEVER leave them out for more than 10 minutes at a time because they have no shelter from the sun. I'd love to find the perfect dog house for them to enjoy. They both love being outside, Buddy more than Trixie, but I try to keep them out of the hot sun. Well, searching and searching I found the perfect dog house giveaway at All Things Mamma . Head on over and you could win a doghouse from Dog Houses Now . Here is a picture of Buddies dream house...

Hurry and enter today, giveaway is over July 25th

Monday, June 20, 2011

Remodeling Is A Pain...

So our house was built in the 70's and when we bought it our house still had the 70's look. We have remodeled the livingroom, bathroom and built bedrooms but our kitchen still needs help. My husband had an idea he was going to use on the cupboard doors and I agreed. Well, of course you cant do the cupboards without new wall paint, new microwave, new counter, new floor, new lights, new backsplash, new sink, and of course a new faucet. Did I mention that our deal PRIOR to the remodel was he pays the bills and I pay the remodel....HUmmmmm, I think I got jipped :) Well, so what do I do, I get online and see if I can't win some of our remodel. I found InSinkErator Instant Hot Water Dispenser System   at Mom To Bed By 8 . I think it would be perfect timing if I won. I have until June 22 to enter so wish me luck.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bling Strands Giveaway


Bling Strands Giveaway

   I've seen many bloggers review Bling Strands and I've always thought they were really cool. Well, a couple months ago my daughters and I were so excited when Lisa from It's A Glam Thing said she was going to send us a package of Bling Jewels to try out. Here is how it went.....
  The first thing we did was head on over to Bling Strands and pick out which Jewels we wanted to try. The girls decided they wanted the Light Amethyst

Isn't it sooooo Pretty!!!!

We liked how we only had to cut out what we needed. We decided to only cut out a few and separate them so we could put them all over.
After we cut out what we wanted to use we then peeled off the backing. Once the backing was off we were ready to apply them on our messy pony tail. I put them in my daughter's hair and heated it with a flat iron to set them. It took some trial and error to get it right but the outcome was great. They looked so good and really sparkled in the sunlight.
In my experience I think they work better on thicker hair. I had a bit of trouble getting them into my youngest daughters very thin hair. When I would heat the jewels with the flat iron  the jewels would stick to the bottom side of the iron rather than stick to her hair. After a few tries we did get it right but with my older daughter  Ivy, we didn't have a problem at all. Ivy's hair is much thicker and the jewels would stick without a problem. Ivy's jewels stayed in for 2 days which I thought was awesome.
I also like that the package came with so many jewels. We only used half of the package to get the look we wanted and I used them on BOTH my girls. That means I have plenty left to use on special occasions.
Addison's hair which is very thin

Ivy's much thicker hair

    My final thought on Bling Jewels is as follows : I think Bling Jewels work better in thicker hair but can be used with thin hair if you have patience. I loved them in Ivy's hair and they were very easy to apply. I think Bling Jewels would be perfect for any occasion to give you that extra SIZZLE any woman or teen wants. When my oldest daughter goes to prom Bling Jewels will definately be in her hair.

             Bling Strands Giveaway:


Head on over to Bling Strands and tell me a color you like best (this will not necessarily be the package you receive)

                      Extra Extra

2. Become a GFC follower of my blog or leave a comment telling me you already do. (5 extra entries)

3. Follow me on Twitter . (2 extra entries)

4. Enter any of my other giveaways (more giveaways added soon) or comment on any M.O.M posts. (1 extra entry each)

5. Tweet about this giveaway and leave a tweet link in your comment.  (extra entry daily)

6. Vote for me daily We're on the Fence (right side of my blog and can be done daily)

                        Good Luck!!!

      Please leave an email address in ALL comments. This giveaway ends May 31, 2011 at 11:59 pm. I will pick a winner using and email the winner. Winner will have 72hours to contact me with their name and address which I will forward to Bling Strands.

   Although this giveaway was possible by Lisa from It's A Glam Thing all opinions are my own. Just because my daughers and I love Bling Jewels doesn't mean you will.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Giveaway Grabber Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks “Win & Give” Program: Win a XO Laptop!!

Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks “Win & Give” Program: Win a XO Laptop!!

  Now through the end of May your child could win an XO Laptop from specially marked Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks. How great is that? Even better, for every laptop won Betty Crocker will donate a matching laptop to deserving kids in Africa.
  These laptops are build rugged, which being a mommy of 5, it's something we could really use in our house. I'm always so scared to let my kids on our laptop in fear that something might happen. It would only take one easy little accident and POW no more laptop.
  I think I'll run out to the store for some Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks for the kids' lunch. Before I do that though I'm heading on over to Misaventures In Baby Raising and let me tell you why. She is giving one of these great laptops away and we all have until May  16th to enter.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Anniversary Flight

So How Cool Is He.....
On May 1st 2011 my husband and I had been married 12 yrs.
For two weeks leading up to "our big day" my hub kept telling me he had a surprise for me. The only thing he would tell me is that I needed to have the camera charged and we were dropping the kids off at Grandma's house for a couple of hours. I had no clue what he had planned but I didn't ask either. I'm good at guessing his surprises but I thought I'd let him trick me just this once.  I figured we were going on one of our little adventure walks and I'd be taking nature pictures (which I LOVE to do)
                             On April 27th I had to have surgery on my foot and I asked my hub if this was going to put a damper on his little plan. He said he had called "The Place" and asked if I'd still be able to do our little "adventure" with a walking boot on and they okayed it.
                                 So then came the big day....May 1st. I woke up that morning camera charged! We loaded up the kids and took them to grandma's house. My 16yr old son said he wished he could go and he was jealous. I really had no clue what was planned but my hub kept saying "Boy it's windy out today". Hummmmm why did he care it was so windy?
After the drop off of the kids we went for "our drive" to the "Special place". As he drove I kept thinking "what in the world does he have planned". Well, then there was a turn off that said "Mt Joy Airport". I looked at him with a strange look and asked "Are we Flying?" His response with a little evil smile was "We ARE flying" Okay, my heart dropped and I'm sorry to say I was scared shitless .
As we pulled in I see this itty bitty plane and the wind was just whipping around us. My heart was pounding and I kept thinking "Great, I'm gonna die on our anniversary."
So here I am, just having surgery a few days before, trying to climb into this itty bitty plane trying to look grateful. I thought it was so cool my hub would plan such a thing but did I mention I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE!!!
The plane takes off and my heart is pounding. I'm trying to smile and I think I had a death grip on my camera (knuckles were turning white. yeah, as if the camera was going to save me). So we are up in the air and did I mention IT WAS WINDY AS HELL!!!! Yep, every gust of wind we could feel and I'd lose my stomach. I knew we were going to be flying for about a half and hour and I think I was counting the minutes. I just wanted back on the ground where I knew it was safe.
The pilot knew I was a bit scared and he was great. He was trying to joke about positive G forces and neg. G forces and he could show me what a neg G was if I wanted him to. Yeah, okay mister pilot, just fly this thing and get me down.
Well, once we landed I hobbled out of the plane, took some pictures of the plane and would have kissed the ground had my hub not been standing there. Within five minutes of landing I thought it was the coolest thing ever. How awesome is my husband!!!! I couldn't believe he went to all that trouble to make it a special day for me. It was definitely a day I will never forget and was one of the best days of my life!!!

Notice the smile once I was safe on the ground

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Let's Build Us A 3 Foot Sunday!!!


   Have you ever wondered how to build a 3 ft wide Sunday? Yeah, I guess that thought has never entered my mind either....Well, not until I heard Hy-Vee on John Deere Road was going to attempt it. That's right, for frozen food month they decided they'd use ICE CREAM to celebrate. All week I've heard my friend Eric announcing this fun event at our local Hy-Vee store. Well, since this happens to be one of my favorite places to shop I decided I'd wake the kids up early and drive on in to check it out. This was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Kay and Jeff setting up
  First off they needed 56 gallons of Blue Bunny Ice Cream, 14 8oz. tubs of Cool Whip, 4 packages of Oreos, 5 bottles of Hersey's Chocolate Syrup, two jars of Hy-vee Cherries, and 2 containers of sprinkles to top it off. How did they get all that into one 3ft base. Well, by trial and error and A LOT OF LAUGHS!!!



I couldn't believe the final results. Everything looked
so great and the kids had fun eatting helping set up.

                                        So if you live in the Midwest area and have a 
Free sample anyone?
Hy-vee store near you I suggest you check them out. You never know what you might find.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

It's not cute! It's not sexy! But it's funny and I'll most anything on a dare!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Giveaway Grabber-Price Pfister Faucets

  Seriously, remodeling can be fun yet time consuming. I love remodeling but it takes soooo long. We bought our house 12 years ago and we have remodeled little by little. After those long 12 years we still aren't done. So far we have taken out a wall between the livingroom and a bedroom to make our living room huge. We've done the bathroom and a couple of bedrooms. The only thing we have left to do is the kitchen but it's soooo expensive.What floor do we want? What counters will look best? Well, one thing we've decided on is the faucet. I LOVE the look of the Avanti faucet in Tuscan Bronze by Pfister . The Tuscan Bronze looks awesome!!! Well before I buy it I try to win it. Why not right. During my search I found Experimental Mommy hosting a giveaway for a Price Pfister faucet!!! The winner will have their choice of the Avanti, Elevate EXT, Alina, or Rembrant. This giveaway ends March 10. You have unlimited tweet entries if you have 50 Twitter followers or more. I like the unlimited tweet thing but I will only tweet a couple times a day. I wouldn't want to lose Twitter followers by spamming them. Good Luck!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Giveaway Grabber-Knork

 Okay so my  kids are always losing silverware. I mean always. I don't understand where it goes so we are always buying the cheapest silverware one can buy. I've come to think that maybe that's the problem. Maybe since they know I buy the cheap stuff then it doesn't matter if they use them to dig dirt. I'm wondering if I bought something nice like Knork then maybe they'd know better :) Well guess what, Trying To Stay Calm is hosting a giveaway right now for Knork flatware. Maybe I should try my luck huh?
Giveaway ends March 1st

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Giveaway Grabber-Petcakes

I LOVE Petcakes!! These are the cutest little creatures and my favorite is Honey Cakes . Because I love them so much I searched until I found someone who was hosting a Petcake giveaway. Well, guess what, I found one at Because It's Fun To Win! Hurry on over and get those entries in because I know you have a special little boy or girl who would love one of these. Giveaway ends 2/25

 Here is Honey Cakes

Give Grabber-Comfy Sacks

Welcome to another day of Giveaway Grabber . Today I found an awesome blog giveaway for you and I have first hand experience with this company. Thanks, Mail Carrier did an awesome review with great pictures of their kids enjoying the 6ft Comfy Sack . These big freaking huge sacks are so comfy. My son got the 3.5 comfy sack for Christmas and it is awesome. It's so awesome that now I want one (or 10). We want to turn a huge bedroom into a family room and fill it with only Comfy Sacks . My favorite is the 6 ft lounger in Pebble Pepper.

To get us started we are heading over to Thanks, Mail Carrier to enter to win the Kids Lounger. If you'd like to try to win you have until March 11th to enter.

Large Bean Bag Chair - Kids Lounger Micro Suede Chocolate

Monday, February 14, 2011

Giveaway Grabber Bath & Body Works

Mother Of Pearl  is celebrating 15 yrs of marriage and five kiddies. To Celebrate she is giving away a $50 Bath &  Body Works  E-Gift card.

Head on over and wish them a happy anniversary. Enter the giveaway while you're at it but you only have until 2/28

What Is A Blog Giveaway?


    I've had a lot of family and friends ask what a blog or blog giveaway is.  This page is for people who have NO idea what a blog, blog giveway, twitter, or one of my faves, Swagbucks. I'm by far not a pro but hopefully I can help you out a little and maybe, just maybe, you can win prizes like I have.

     First off what is a blog you ask...A blog can be anything you want it to be. It can be a personal diary where you keep track of your daily life. I have seen some blogs where it is a grandmother writing to her grandchild with lots of photos of him growing up. I wish I had known about blogging back when my kiddies were little. What a perfect gift it would be for a child.

    Some people use a blog to promote their business or promote other business. This is where giveaways come in. Say a company like Blingstrands has a new product coming out (which they do and I will be working with them). They will send me an item such as Bling Jewels to try out at home. I will use them in our every day life. Take pictures and do a little write-up on if I liked them or not. I will give my honest opinion on their product. In return for posting the review on my blog they will give me Bling Strands to giveaway on my blog to one of my readers. This is where YOU come in.

    Most blog giveaways have a Mandatory entry. This means you MUST do this step first in order to gain one entry into the giveaway. It can be as simple as following their blog or commenting on the review. After you do the mandatory entry there are usually Extra entries you can do. This is where you will gain the most entries. These can be liking a facebook page (which is touchie now because fb doesn't like us using them for that purpose), following on twitter, or commenting on a post. It can really be anything the company or blogger wants you to do. Most blogs also want you to include your email address in ALL comments. This is so we can contact the winner.

    On the bottom of the review/giveaway you will see when the giveaway ends. It will also tell you how the winner is picked. The winner is usually picked by which is what I use. Say I do a giveaway that had 223 entries. I will go to and put in the number 1 in the top box and the number 223 in the bottom box. I then push Generate and Random will pick a Random number (hum go figure right). If random were to pick 104 I would go back to my blog and see who had the comment 104 and that would be my winner. I then contact the winner by email. I have their email address because hopefully they left it in the comment with their entry. They will usually have 2 to 3 days to respond to my email. Once they have emailed me back I will forward all their information to the sponsor of the giveaway and they would send the winner their prize.

    If I win a giveaway I always shoot the blog host an email letting them know I got received my prize. I figure if they went to all the trouble of hosting a giveaway the least I can do is thank them and let them know I got it.

Now you know what a blog giveaway is. Watch for details on HOW to enter coming soon.........If you have any questions or if this helped please comment below. I read all comments and would love your feedback.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Giveaway Grabber..Gummy Lump Easel

One thing my girls would love is the Melissa & Doug Floor Art Easel . It is a chalk board on one side and a dry erase on the other. I'd be perfect for a young artist, learning how to write, or just plain fun! This floor easel retails for $79.99 and is for ages 3 and up. You can win it here at The Mommy Files but you only have until 2/27/11.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Yo Yo Lipgloss Giveaway

I filled out a form :)

Have you ever opened your mail box to find a package  and said to yourself,  " Oh yeah, I remember signing up for that."  Well, that is the case here. I remember a few months ago visiting Yo Yo Lipgloss and signing up for something. I thought is was for a blog review or something of that matter. Well, guess what.....I opened the mailbox the other day and look what was in a special little package. I received 4 Yo Yo Lip gloss minis. There was no letter with the package explaining WHY they sent them. Just  their 4 YoYo Lip gloss minis. Well needless to say I was a bit excited and couldn't wait for our girls to try them so here's how it went.

I was sent four flavors: Girly Green Apple , Kissable Kiwi , Big Bounce Bubblegum ,and Cha Cha Chocolate . I decided I'd let both Ivy and Addison pick one out.

Ivy picked out Cha-Cha Chocolate and couldn't wait to snap it on her pocket. She wasn't thrilled with the taste at first but it grew on her. I figured after a couple of days she'd get tired of it and toss it on her dresser with all the other lip gloss' she has aquired but that's not the case. She wears it everywhere and loves it. Her words exactly "Mom look, I'm GLOSSIFIED" Yes, I had to laugh at her new word and the way she says it.
Here is a picture of Ivy all Glossified :)

Addison picked out Big Bounce Bubblegum. Unlike Ivy, Addison loved the taste right away. After applying her lip gloss her first words were ," MMMM Minty". Even though it is bubble gum flavor I have to admit it is a bit "minty" and it really is yummy.  I thought that the Yo Yo part would break after a few pulls but let me tell you that Addison doesn't leave it alone. She is always pulling and letting it fly back. It is still like brand new.

Miss shiney lips :) And no her teeth aren't really that yellow. She had just eaten an orange.

SOOOO, I have two left over Yo Yo Lip gloss minis. Hummmm, what should I do with them?  Well heck, I'll give them to one of you of course. Here's what you need to do:

Up for grabs are Girly Green Apple and Kissable Kiwi

follow me via GFC or let me know you already do

Extra! Extra!

1. Head over to Yo Yo Lipgloss and tell me a Mini you'd love to try

2. While you're there follow Yo Yo on twitter

3. Follow Me on twitter

4. Tweet this giveaway daily and leave tweet link.

Get Glossified  @kidpack05  Yo Yo Lipgloss Giveaway 

Please leave seperate comment for each entry. Also include your email address in all comments.  Giveaway ends Feb. 28th 11:59 pm. Winner will be selected using and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hrs to reply with their name and address so I can ship out said prize.

 I was given 4 YoYo lipgloss mini's which I decided to do a review on.  This review was based on the experience my girls had with this product. My girls loved them but that doesn't mean all little girls will love them. I will be recommending this product to all my friends with daughters.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Congrats to the winner....

The winner of my Handmade With Love giveaway is lucky number 118 ....

Alicia C. said...

I'd love to try out the Herbally Yours bath in a box.

ohmiss14 At xxxxxxxxxxxx
February 5, 2011 8:50 PM

Thank you for all that entered. Keep a look out for upcoming giveaways from YoYo Lipgloss and Bling Strands

Alicia please check your email:)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Handmade With Love Giveaway!!!

I am very excited to announce my sponsor for the Handmade With Love giveaway is Bauble Bath . I'm not the girly girl type that uses a lot of lotions and bath salts but then I discovered Bauble Bath and all of their soaps, bath salts, melts, scrubs, and more. I had previously won a $50 give code to her shop and had no clue what I would buy so I went over to the Bauble Bath  store and went shopping.  I work a lot of hours away from home so I was hoping that I could find something to make me relax and take away all the days tension out of my neck and back. Because I'm not the girly girl type and had no clue what to look for it took me a day or two to actually pick out what I wanted.  I picked a couple of soaps , melts , scrubs , and bath salts  not really knowing what to expect.

 When all my goodies arrived I could smell everything inside before I even opened it. I was a bit worried because when I did open the box the smell was very strong and I was thinking it wouldn't be for me. Boy was I wrong. I seperated everything and was wondering what kind of bath I wanted to take first.

  My absolute favorite is the Lavendar Sea Salt. I sprinkled a little in my tub and felt like I was in heaven. I seriously could not believe the effect it had on me. The tension in my neck totally went away after about ten minutes and the smell was amazing. I have to say that it was the most amazing bath I had ever taken.

I actually feel like a girly girl now when I use the Lavendar Sea Salt. I love all the little flakes of lavendar that float around me as I relax. Bauble Bath is definately the place I will shop when I want to find great products that make me relax....

About Bauble Bath: they are a small home based business located in Coer d'Alene, Idaho. Though home based, their products are made and packaged in a shop just steps from their back door. They use food grade when possible and cosmetic grade when nessesary in their  ingredients and try to keep things as natural as possible while allowing their products  to be fun and interesting.

Now for the fun part!!! Sarah over at Bauble Bath has offered one of my special readers, not one,  but five bath bombs of their choice.  This is such an awesome prize I have to admit I'm a little jeolous!


                                Follow me via GFC

                                      Extra Extra !!!!

             1. Head over to Bauble Bath and like them on facebook
             2. Follow me on twitter

             3. Follow Bauble Bath on twitter

             4. Visit Bauble Bath and let me know something you would love to try.

That's it. Pretty easy right. I would like to thank Sarah for being a sponsor of this giveaway. She was super patient with me because I'm a bit new to the giveaway thing and she is my first sponsor EVER!!! Giveaway is open to the US and starts Feb 2nd and ends Feb 6th at midnight est. Winner will be picked via I will then email the winner and they will have 48 hours to reply with their email and address so I can forward it  to Sarah and she will get in touch with you so you can pick out your scents.  If for some reason the winner has not contacted me within 48 hours I will have to pick a new winner so make sure you check your emails. Please make sure you leave your email addy in your comments and leave a seperate comment for every extra entry.  This review was based on the Lavendar Sea Salt, soaps, melts, and scrubs I had previously won. I did not receive anything for this review and your opinion may differ from mine. I just really love Bauble Bath products and wanted to share my experience with my readers.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, January 31, 2011

And The Winner Is.......

And the winner of the $25 iTune gift card is lucky number 58

kari jasus said...!/raggammuffin/status/28821107020668928

Congrats Kari!!!!

Watch for upcoming giveaways this week including Bauble Bath and YoYo lipgloss.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Featured

Sunday Followed

This blog hop is hosted by Giveaways 4 Mommy and Kidpack05..Momma of Many.

If you would like to be a part of Sunday Followed and Featured, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Link up your blog name and URL.
  2. Grab the Followed & Featured button (check my sidebar for the code) and include it in the sidebar or preferably in a post titled Sunday Followed & Featured. That way, new followers have a place to comment and you will know who to follow back.
  3. Go to as many blogs on the linky as you want but be sure to leave a comment under their Sunday Followed & Featured post so they will know to follow you back.
  4. Check the comments on your Sunday Followed & Featured post Sunday night or Monday morning and be sure to follow your newest followers.
  5. Bow your head and thank God for your new friends.

And where have I been hopping today? Follow me there!


Sunday Strolling Blog Hop




Busy Mom's Tips Tuesday Blog HopPhotobucket



Bassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Blog Hop


Smart and Trendy Moms

Sunday Featured

This week's featured blog is 2 Wired 2 Tired! Check it out!

Jan 16-Jan 22 Ugh! Sick again! Expect a double feature one week very soon!
Jan 9-Jan 15 Thrifty Jinxy
Dec 19-Dec 25 Coupon Clippin' Mommy
Dec 12-Dec 18 Living on Love and Giveaways, and Fun Being Frugal
Dec 5-Dec 11 Sorry...we had the flu bug this week. 2 blogs will be featured next Sunday.
Nov 28-Dec 4 One Stop Giveaway Shop
Nov 21-Nov 27 One Busy Moma, Coffee Shop Deals, and Miracle Momas
Nov 14-Nov 20 Home Grown Families
Nov 7-Nov 13 I'm Not Your Everyday Average Mom
Oct 31-Nov 6 little Indiana
Oct 24-Oct 30 A Simple Kinda Life
Oct 17-Oct 23 Couponing for 4
Oct 10-Oct 16 Real Moms, Real Views

Wanna be featured?

Visit Giveaways 4 Mommy, scroll down to the bottom of the page and fill out the form and you could be featured!