Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Daughters Letter To Santa

 I remember being a kid counting down for Christmas and getting so excited with every passing day. I remember marking off the calendar, playing with my unopened presents, and BEGGING my mom to let me open  one early. Now, as a Mommy, I watch my own babies going through the same thing. I now know what my mom went through. I smile most of the time as they look at their presents and sometimes get a little annoyed as they beg and plead to open one early.  This year I  got a chance to sneak a peak at my daughter's letter to Santa before he sneaks in Christmas morning and takes it with him.......Here it is folks spelling and all...

  Dear Santa,

First merry Chirstmas. I hope you have a fun Chirstmas. Becuase I know that I am.I fill sad becuase you bring me gifts and I don't bring you   gifts.I   want for Chirstmas is a guitar, camera. The most I want for Chirstmar is Love it is all I care is about Love. Merry Chirstmas Santa                      


Mom, who's present is this? Is this one mine? Can I open it?           

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Handmade with Love Winter Giveaway

1st sponsor:

Handmade with Love Winter Giveaway

I will be hosting a giveaway from  February 2nd thru the 6th. I am currently looking for sponsors. The items need to be  handmade or gift certificates to your  handmade shops. No item to big or to small!!!  This five day event is sure to bring followers to your store,twitter, and/or facebook page.  If you are interested in being a sponsor to this event please contact me at Kidpack05 at yahoo dot com  with "Blog Giveaway Event " in the subject line so we can iron out all the details.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm On Vacation!!!

Yep, I'm on vacation. Am I going anywhere you ask...NOPE!!! I just thought I'd take a vacation before I hurt someone at work so I could spend some time with the family. What do I have planned you ask...Well, Monday (the 6th) was my daughters 9th birthday and her and her sisters winter program. Tuesday the 7th (today) is my son's 16th birthday. I need to do some cleaning of the house. Plan on doing some crafts with the kids. I'm sure the kids will skip school a daycome down with something and have to stay home a day. It looks like there are a lot of twitter parties going on this week so I'm sure to be at a few of those. SOOOO I'm sure I will be posting pictures at the end of the week of my "stay"cation!!! If you have any ideas of what to do while I'm home let me know.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sunday Followed & Featured!!!!

Sunday Followed

This blog hop is hosted by Giveaways 4 Mommy and me, Kidpack05..Momma of Many.

If you would like to be a part of Sunday Followed and Featured, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Follow Kidpack05..Momma of Many, Giveaways 4 Mommy, and the Featured Blog via Google Friends Connect. To make it easy, these will be the first 3 slots on the linky. Be sure to leave a comment on this post so that I can follow you back. G4M and The Featured Blog should have the following button somewhere in a post titled Sunday Followed & Featured. If the post is there, leave a comment under that post. If not, find a post to comment on letting them know you are a new follower from G4M and Kidpack05's Sunday Followed & Featured. FYI...G4M is giving away a $20. Gift Card to one lucky person who links up and comments on her blog. Read about it on her Followed & Featured post.

  2. Link up your blog name and URL
  3. Grab the Followed & Featured button (check my sidebar for the code) and include it in a post titled Sunday Followed & Featured. That way, new followers have a place to comment and you will know who to follow back.
  4. Go to as many blogs on the linky as you want but be sure to leave a comment so they will know to follow you back.
  5. Check the comments on your Sunday Followed & Featured post Sunday night or Monday morning and be sure to follow your newest followers.
  6. Bow your head and thank God for your new friends.

Sunday Featured

This week: Nov 28-Dec 4 One Stop Giveaway Shop
Visit G4M to read about past featured blogs or to be featured yourself.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Find New Friends

Sunday Followed

This blog hop is hosted by Giveaways 4 Mommy and me, Kidpack05..Momma of Many.

If you would like to be a part of Sunday Followed and Featured, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Follow Kidpack05..Momma of Many, Giveaways 4 Mommy, and the Featured Blog via Google Friends Connect. To make it easy, these will be the first 3 slots on the linky. Be sure to leave a comment on this post so that I can follow you back. G4M and The Featured Blog should have the following button somewhere in a post titled Sunday Followed & Featured. If the post is there, leave a comment under that post. If not, find a post to comment on letting them know you are a new follower from G4M and Kidpack05's Sunday Followed & Featured. FYI...G4M is giving away a $20. Gift Card to one lucky person who links up and comments on her blog. Read about it on her Followed & Featured post.

  2. Link up your blog name and URL
  3. Grab the Followed & Featured button (check my sidebar for the code) and include it in a post titled Sunday Followed & Featured. That way, new followers have a place to comment and you will know who to follow back.
  4. Go to as many blogs on the linky as you want but be sure to leave a comment so they will know to follow you back.
  5. Check the comments on your Sunday Followed & Featured post Sunday night or Monday morning and be sure to follow your newest followers.
  6. Bow your head and thank God for your new friends.

Sunday Featured

This week: Nov 21-Nov 27 One Busy Moma, Coffee Shop Deals, and Miracle Momas
Visit G4M to read about past featured blogs or to be featured yourself.

Another linky

Linda's Lunacy

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Adventures In Getting Followers

Okay so for months I've been blogging. I know months in blog world isn't really a long time but still. Every day I would look to see if I had any followers but none would come...well except I followed myself just to make myself feel better. Well, I learned a lesson. I've been doing this blog hop thingy and it works. Within a couple of days I have jumped to 5...well okay 4 since I can't include myself.  I know that's not a lot but I'm sure you bloggers with hundreds of followers remember how the first few felt. So today I figured I'd try the twitter hop

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

....Come join the fun

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Calling In Sick

I NEVER call into work sick. Seriously NEVER!!! Well, today was the first. Yep, last night I just thought I ate something bad and thought I'd be so much better once I got sick. Yeah, I got sick and sick and sick. Then this morning I woke up dizzy, groggy, and just all around felt poopy. So, I had an early shift (8am-6pm) and at 7 am I thought "Man, I'm so dizzy I really don't think I should drive". So I called in. Yep, me, I called in. I felt so guilty about it too. Then I thought, "Hey wait a minute, I am devoted to my job and am very loyal. Why should I feel guilty that I'm sick." Well, I still feel crappy but I think it has to do with dehydration. I definately don't feel guilty about calling in now though. I'm just wondering if I'm going to make that 9 am meeting tomorrow....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Determined to get followers!!! Can I borrow your button?

So I had a managers meeting at work today and we were supposed to jot down the goals we have with our company and our life goals in general. The reasoning behind this is they would like to help us achieve those goals (mind you the two bosses saying this was 24 and 26 yrs old). I LOVE the company I work for and adore my young, very bright, determined bosses that will definately go far in the company. I am very open and told them, and everybody else in the meeting, that I had no goals. I live day by day and to many life changes happen to have goals. I told them that as long as I  make a difference in somebodies  life (besides family) that I will die happy.
 I will be 37 yrs old in January. I am married with five kids and got a promotion a couple of months back. I was working 3rd shift and I thought getting this promotion and working during the day would be a positive thing. I did not realize that I am scheduled 50 hours a week and have worked up to 65 hours. I have no problem working hard and enjoying it but I do have a problem with the time these hours are worked. I either work a 10 am- 8pm shift or a 1pm-close (which can end up til 2 in the am). I NEVER see our kids and that is what is eating at me. SOOOOO.....this is what I should have said in that there meeting
I want to be a part time employee and a full time blogger mom. Yes my bosses are good to me. Yes I make an okay amount of money. Yes I do have insurance and lucky enough that my husband also carries insurance. And Yes, I love my job. BUT MOST OF ALL....Yes, I miss my family. So how do I change this??? Well, within the next few months I have some hard decisions to make. Will I stay full time manager, will I demote myself, will I find that happy medium?  I know I will find a solution!

HUH, this post was to find followers but somehow it became about my challenges. I haven't been a true blogger because my work schedule doesn't give me much time. I plan to change this. I would like to be a reviewer and we all know that doesn't happen without followers. I know this doesn't happen over night but I know it will be worth the wait. So, my question to you is.....Who will be my first follower????  So what I'd like to do is put my first followers button on the top right of my blog for a lifetime. Now I can't guarantee it will actually be a lifetime (or if it will actually happen) because I'm not quite sure how all this blogging stuff works but I'd sure like to try.

Thanks for reading:)

Friday, October 29, 2010

check out my video

Mommy Pr is hosting a Lenovo IdeaPad U160 Review and Giveaway. All you have to do is visit the Lenovo Fun Factor and make a short video. It takes a few minutes but it's worth it. I was surprized at how cool the video was when I was finished. It's worth the time just to see my little video and to think I could actually win a laptop just for doing so. Head on over to Mommy Pr today!!!

This is my video

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Me on a bike :(

I guess you never know how out of shape you are until you try something new.  I bought a bike today. It was a great deal and since we have five kids I figured "I'll use it". So......Me and Logan decided we would ride to our gas station. HA!!! I couldn't even make it up our hill. I had one heck of a time riding that thing but I made it. I didn't realize how out of shape I was......Okay, I knew I was out of shape but man. By the time we got home I was sweating like a boy. Nothing better than walking into air condition after a "work out". I plopped down on the couch and the hub started laughing at me. So, in the shed it went to be used again next year:)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's an introduction...

I love reading blogs and love commenting on blogs so why not start my own right.?. Well, here I am blog world. As of now I'm unsure what this blog will consist of but I'm sure as time goes by I will have fun with it and meet many new blogging friends. Please be patient and hopefully enjoy

Abbi, Momma of Many